Order question

I’m in the process of paying for a deposit on macpherson’s. My question, are there hey boy charging the shipping now and not when the order shipped out?? IDK how long it will take to reorder and never placed an order this way. Just noticed they’re charging now with the deposit.

I noticed that on my last preorder too

Maybe I’ll clarify it with them first. I can’t imagine you’re paying shipping on a deposit and again when the item ships. But then it doesn’t make sense to charge shipping now before you even have the item. Weird!!

This happened to me on Truborns, I think. Paid the deposit and shipping cost months ago.

I had that happen on my last pre-order. Since the order was over $140.00, they subtracted the shipping I paid, on the invoice.

So just the clarification on the shipping. They charge once with the initial order and not when kit ships out. Yo me it would make sense to charge the shipping once the kit is shipped. But ok, now I know :grin:

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