one of the comments that I got on my last doll, was that she was still too pale. I’ve got an Eden wip and I’m wondering if anyone could tell me if you think this is better? I’m still going to add a bit of mottling, but do you think she still needs some flesh and blush tones too? They always look good to the artist I think, lol, mine usually do anyways, lol, so I was wanting some outside opinions…also, her creases? I always get my creases aren’t dark enough so I been trying to really bring them out too…anyways, opinions please
Are you going to put more skin tone aaafter the mottle? I do skin tone then mottle then more skintone. If you are doing that go for it.
— Begin quote from “Debora Jenkins”
Are you going to put more skin tone aaafter the mottle? I do skin tone then mottle then more skintone. If you are doing that go for it.
— End quote
yeah I was thinking i’d do a couple coats like that. But stop with the blushing all over?? I think the little dimple above her lip might need a bit more too, do you?