Opinion on eyes..honest comments plz

What’s your opinion on these eyes? I personally am not feeling the color. I ordered sky blue and there’s barely any blue there…honest opinions plz…thanks


Not fond of the darker specks…

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Not my favorite and they don’t look sky blue to me. I’m not crazy about the specks, either.

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im so disappointed in them…guess ill be ordering 2 more sets since theyre twins…i got them from dolls by sandie, anyone buy blue eyes from there that were happy with the color? need suggestions so it doesnt happen again

BB True Blue eyes are exactly that. Newborn Deep Blue Sky is nice too. I really like BB eyes. Are the ones you got glass or acrylic? Maybe you could exchange them.

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bb is out of stock on blue, thats why i had to look somewhere else :frowning:

You could probably use oval glass ones. They have those.

I like the mineral gray or mineral blue glass eyes.

The coloring is okay, but I personally don’t like that the pupil isn’t a perfect circle.

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Nope, don’t care for those, they look to artificial to me. Sorry.

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They look like snake eyes to me. I do not like them.

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Don’t want to hurt any ones feelings but I just don’t like those.Sorry, I like the dark newborn grey from BB if they have them in stock.

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I agree with everyone, but if you are into alternative baby dolls, those eyes would be great!

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I agree with everyone…I don’t like them at all…ugh…guess it’s time to order some different ones…

I would never try to economize on eyes. I think they are the most important part of the face, and can make or break the baby. There are plenty of lovely acrylic eyes at very reasonable price; saving couple of dollars can be very counterproductive. When I started reborning the 1st lot of eyes I ordered were from EYECO; at the time when I was lucky to break even on a doll, I did try to source some cheaper eyes, but was always disappointed and went back to EYECO.

These eyes look very artificial, the beige is all wrong, and there are nicks out of the pupil. I would find this baby looking at me very disturbing. :slight_smile:

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I agree with the others. I think the light eyes can be a bit tricky sometimes. I would go a little darker blue.

I agree, I need those eyes for my alternatives! Making a mental note, sky blue - dolls by sandie! Thanks @MrsLindsey, lol.

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Not a natural looking eye -

I would use those for a fantasy baby, like a fairy. But I wouldn’t use them for a normal baby.


No one’s gonna hurt my feelings…the momma picked them out and I just don’t like them