OMG they are killing me!

My sign, my sign, I need my sign…ahhhhh…here it is!


Maybe you should do a custom for her. For free, of course! You don’t really need to pay bills, do you?! LOL!!

LOL!! Unfortunately, it’s become a way of thinking for MANY people - the entitlement mentality. Over the years, my hubby and I had a photography business and later, a yoga studio. Both sets of clientele had people that not only asked for free stuff but got down right nasty if they didn’t get it. Some even tried to bully us into free product or classes.

We used to feel bad and accommodate them as best we could but realized it NEVER benefited us and the clients that received the free stuff (or deeply discounted) were the most difficult all the time. Once we finally learned that lesson, we had NO problem saying “No” to the requests. If you’re firm, they leave you alone. If you give them any hint that you’re uncomfortable, they keep trying to wear you down.


You’re so right. The first time you hesitate in saying “get lost” they think there just might be a possibility that you’ll give in, and they won’t give up. I go through it all the time with my cake decorating biz. People want million dollar fantasy cakes at costco sheet cake prices, then get pissed when you tell them no. Some people just like confrontation and will do whatever they can to get a reaction from you, even if it’s a negative one.


Ooooooh , @gypsyeye805, I love your response. There you go, Karen. Tell her how much work she can do for you to earn the equivalent cost of a dolly. I am going to do this from now on. Traveling expense doesn’t count. LOL I have a lot of yard work that could be a possible way to buy a dolly.


It’s difficult to do business with friends and family. Some have created a discounted friends and family price structure so they don’t have to think about how to deal with it. Some choose to NOT do business with them. That’s probably the best route.


IMO friendship and money should never be intermingled. I either just give it to them because I want to (not if they ask) or they have to pay.


I think I would send a note back asking what her daughter would like since she didn’t think she would like that one. Tell her you will attempt to do one she will like. Ask for details. Then keep asking more questions. Tell her you will send tracking when it’s mailed. Waste some of her time.




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I had a lady contact me on Etsy about a doll this summer, and I never heard back from her. Then last week I get an email from the same customer about another artist on Etsy. I guess this customer sent her a money order for a custom order and the artist closed up shop. Needless to say this lady who never bought anything from me wanted me to send her a doll for free since she already paid the scammer but never received anything.
My patience is kind of short with Christmas. I have orders for ornaments and other items I sell coming in so I don’t have time to deal with this. I told her that why should another artist be expected to send you a free doll. We put our time and money to each creation we make and that was an unfair expectation for any of us. I just stopped communication with her altogether.



Good idea! Some just don’t take “No” very well and keep coming back. I guess they figure they might wear you down. I wonder if these people try these same tactics at Target, Walmart, etc.

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WHAT!!! SERIOUSLY?? What can she be thinking?


I had a flower shop for years and you would not believe the people who would come in and ask for wedding flowers or funeral flowers,free of course because they were trying to save money on the wedding expenses.
Now they want my dolls ,free of course.


You had my DREAM JOB ~ owning a flower shop! I’d LOVE to work in a flower shop…and then I remember I am allergic to everything…BOOOOOOO :frowning: It’s a lovely dream, though.


You have to wonder if her daughter even exists or if she is just trying to get a free doll for herself or to resell. It’s one thing to voluntarily give a baby away to someone but another to be expected to just because… Maybe this lady needs to think about whether her daughter’s happiness is worth anything to her. Suggest she get a doll from a thrift store, some craft paint on sale from Michael’s, a few colored pencils and make her daughter her own made by mommy baby! Kids aren’t that picky!


Oh my Gosh. I can’t believe people are asking for free dolls. Why not just save up 5 bucks a week until you can afford one. Geez


Fortunately Lexi found a lovely new home…WHEW!


Karen…that’s my dream too…a new red Jeep for Christmas or any other time. I kid you not! I’ve had this dream for over 4 years but don’t feel I can go back to car payments right now. But if Santa brings me the new Jeep it’ll be freeeeeee!! Right now I own a paid off 2005 metallic blue Jeep.

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People want free everything these days :slight_smile: I’m glad someone bought her, that’s wonderful! I can’t help but be curious…whatever happened to saving up for something until you could afford it? So many people want free reborns but don’t want to work for them :stuck_out_tongue: It’s madness!


They think we are all Christmas Elves! I want a Rolls Royce in my drive way, make it silver :wink: yeah I have been asked for a free one, lol NO.


I heard a banker say on tv the other day. christmas savings accounts are a thing of the past !
I couldnt believe the mind set change now.
Get it right now and better get it FREE.
such nerve that lady
Wonder if shed think its just fine to have to give her tv to a neighbor if a robber took theirs

Didnt she wonder how stupid she sounded ?

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