OMG the Rubert sculpts have arrived!

I am so excited to see new sculpts from BB!!! Can’t wait for the others!

— Begin quote from “sharon”

just ordered mine, dumplin ,gonna use baby blue gray eyes and I think maybe the blond wavy to curly hair,hope she turns out good,

— End quote

Me too! I like Dumplin the best. Look forward to seeing your baby!!

I ordered Puddin!

Is it selfish of me to say I wish the others were released first and Donna RuBert’s released next month? I’ll answer my own question, yes it is but since my mom is sending me the money for her baby she wanted next month, and I want Dumplin, then yes, it is but with reason! I also wanted to make Dumplin a fair haired, blue eyed baby like my grandchildren.

Well I just ordered a pudden and 2 dumplins and a male and female tummy plate (LOVE THOSE!!!) Please if anyone has a start to a money tree I am in desperate need!!!LOL

They sure are cute!! I’m excited to see pictures when everyone finishes them!! : )

— Begin quote from “grammyjladr”

I ordered 3, muffin, puddin and dumplin. I was not too excited about punkin. Just me I’m sure. Can’t wait either but I have sooooo many to do. So many babies and so little time.

— End quote

That’s great! I have finally gotten to the point where I am not buying and storing kits for future reborning even if the price is right. Thanks to my hubby finding my “stash” one day…he told me no more buying until I finish what I have. I wasn’t very happy at the time, but now I can see his point. It’s hard!!! I have Ryan from Natale S. coming sometime at the end of the month…couldn’t pass this one up!

— Begin quote from “craaziepr”

— Begin quote from “grammyjladr”

I ordered 3, muffin, puddin and dumplin. I was not too excited about punkin. Just me I’m sure. Can’t wait either but I have sooooo many to do. So many babies and so little time.

— End quote

That’s great! I have finally gotten to the point where I am not buying and storing kits for future reborning even if the price is right. Thanks to my hubby finding my “stash” one day…he told me no more buying until I finish what I have. I wasn’t very happy at the time, but now I can see his point. It’s hard!!! I have Ryan from Natale S. coming sometime at the end of the month…couldn’t pass this one up!

— End quote

I’ll be happy to take some off your hands. Donations gladly accepted! j/k!! If I don’t get Dumplin this time, I’m sure I’ll get something next month! I also intend to get some new belly plates and a tushy plate next month as well.

I have just the opposite problem. I have so much time and no babies!