Olga/Karman doll hair

When was the most recent that anyone has ordered from her and how long did it take to get to you

I’m thinking of placing an order now for babies that I have an but I’m figuring I probably won’t get it anytime soon :pleading_face: makes it difficult to plan cause I was planning dark brown and now I’m seeing blondes now that they are painted :woman_facepalming:t2:

THe most recent I placed a few days ago.
The previous one I ordered on 11/21/20 - delivered on 1/17/21.


That’s about two months… oy! I guess I should order more of a variety this time lol

Last time I ordered from her was Jan 6 and it arrived Feb 11 :blush:

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It was about 3 months for me and I ordered I believe in OCT

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Mine was between 5 and 6 weeks

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I ordered Jan. 16th and it was delivered Feb. 1st!


I have some of her blondes that I would be willing to part with if you don’t want to wait

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Show me what you’ve got :wink:

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I will PM you with some pics.

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I ordered recently and it took around a month to receive the hair.

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I ordered January 12 and received it on March 1. It was a massive order though, and that affected how long it took for her to get it ready to ship.


Same lol I need/want to order some red but takes soooooo long lol


I would imagine it’s based on whether or not she has some processed in the color people order or if she has to Process it. That all takes a lot of time. If she has what you need already she probably just packs it up and mails it off quickly. JMO


I’m concerned about how long shipping is actually taking right now. I ordered some in the summer and it took a l o n g time. It is so worth it, but I’ve got to many bald babies right now lol

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I place my last order on January 16. It was shipped on January 25 and I received my order last week on March 17.

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Oh my!

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That was lightening fast!!!

I ordered Karman on 2/10/21 was delivered on 3/4/21. Not super fast but faster than the 7 weeks my order before that in October took…


Yes that seems more normal thanks!