Ok we have a new task

This is baby jack !! I my goal is to make him look like this jack in the picture as much as possible yes I know he is a prototype but I still want to try what are your tips

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Sorry it did not post

Just posted a pic sorry

It looks to me like the prototype baby’s lip color extends longer, if that makes any sense. Right now the work in progress baby looks a little too red in the eyes, but lashes may help with that. Sorry, I don’t have any other specific painting tips.

Ok thanks I will try that

Yes, I agree on too much red on the eyes. See if you can use a color wheel to tone that down a bit. I would also tone the lips down a little too.

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Oh, another thing that stands out to me is that when it’s time to do the hair, be sure the hairline comes down low around the eyebrows. That’s a very distinctive look to this face.

Ok thank you he will be rooted :heart:

I think maybe a wash or two of yellow or ochre and one of umber. He has more warm undertones

Awesome thank you

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I think you are doing a good job in matching the prototype, I think you need to darken the nostrils though.

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Updated pictures he is looking so cute I love him!!! Al your tips helped anything else to make him look like to picture thanks


Looking really good now!

I am so glad you think so I am almost finished so I will update you all once he is completely ready

I figured some of you would want to see him all finished