OH...MY...GOODNESS! Have y'all seen this little guy?

I’m in love. Gotta have him…or her. Camilo by Jorja Pigott.


OMG!! NEED LIKE NOW!!:heart_eyes:

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Pre-Orders begin October 1. I want this one as a keeper. He makes me smile.

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I want. I can’t have, but I want! So so sweet!


I’ve seen him. Isn’t he the sweetest little thing?

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He’s adorable! Something about his expression reminds me of an older version of this little guy (Anthony by LTR):


He makes me smile too! :slight_smile:

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Jorja has some really adorable sculpts this one is one of those! I’m loving my keeper sculpts of Asriel Awake and Asleep which I plan on creating as twins and my Elijah’s! One day I’ll create them, but that day hasn’t came yet so they are all tucked away in their bins :slight_smile:

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What a cutie! Those limbs look cubby too! :heart_eyes:

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I’m passing on this one. I guess it’s the lack of a top lip that turns me off about this kit. Other than that the kit is ok. True ethnic lips would have a fuller top lip than this I’m afraid. There is a big discussion going on about this kit in one of the Facebook groups and the consensus is in… I have been following the post very carefully. Most of the ethnic reborn mommies in that group, have some interesting things to say about this kit. Not favorable I must say.

I can understand that. The top lip looks very small for a dark skinned baby.
Perhaps it would work better as Caucasian?

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Oh well, to each his own. I find him to be absolutely adorable! He melts my heart…skinny upper lip and all. :heart_eyes:


I’m going to twin my Adriel awake/asleep as well…one day. Same thing with my Presley awake/asleep. My “one day” kits are mounting up. :joy:

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I am totally in love with him!

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I think he’s adorable and his top lip is not so defined that it couldn’t be extended and made fuller. I love his chubby limbs and tummy plate.


Oh it is sooooo cute. There was a baby last night at the football game I went to that looked a lot like this. I so wanted to take her home with me(only for a day lol)) my daughter in law thought the same thing to. I wanted to hold her so bad but thought her dad would think I was crazy. She was with her dad brother and sister no mom there. Y’all ever see a baby and feel like that or am I crazy.


I have totally felt like that.

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Been there too

Oh, definitely! Some babies I just neeeeed to cuddle. But I restrain myself, haha.

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