Occasional BB kits with paint coming off

Maybe try applying a primer before you begin painting. I prime my kits first BC I use air dry and as you know, water & oil don’t mix. I haven’t had any problems whatsoever since I’ve started priming…

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Can you use a primer with GHSP’ s? If so what would you use? Has anybody done this?


Yes, you can use the same thing you use to seal your baby. Anita uses GHSP; here’s what she said she uses
She has a few other posts below the below the post I attached. Just scroll through this topic. :wink:


I’m sorry I just missed that one! ! Thanks Summer


No problem :wink: I didn’t notice until after my post either :smile:

I am working on AA Logan. He was almost finished and as I was shading around the lips and adding the final lip color the paints were coming off. Like all the layers! I tried and tried to save it. Hours worth work. Nothing helped! I finally stripped the ENTIRE HEAD -painted hair too! Gah! I almost cried. I have soaked over night in a Dawn rinse. PRAYING it will work tonight.

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How awful!!! :weary:

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Just wondering how many people who have this problem are adding some oil or are using pastel powders?
Unless you can actually see or feel oiliness on the vinyl where it peeled, it is unlikely that this is what went wrong.

I have a question for those of you who are having trouble with their paint coming off. Have you all contacted BB about the problem? What have they said? Maybe you could ask them about the manufacturer of the kits to see if they are doing something different to the vinyl? Is the manufacturer getting THEIR vinyl from a NEW vendor? And on it goes. Something is going on when this many people are having a problem. BB needs to know so they can possibly trace down the origin of the problem.


I have not added oils to my paint. I didn’t notice oil on the kit itself however after every bake it seemed more oily. I changed brushes. Cleaned my area. Washed the head again and it was still not still taking paint. I wiped the head again with alcohol. I also have a perfect temp on my oven and bake @265 for 8 mins. At a complete loss! I have pounced the stripped head with the thinning medium wash now. I hope it helps! :wink: If you can think of anything else? I really would love to avoid this again!

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I don’t use linseed and don’t use any kind of powders. Just GHSP.

I feel so bad for you. I know the feeling of wanting to cry when it does this. It’s mind boggling when you’ve done everything correctly. Let us know how soaking the head over night works out.


Lynn, that is a good idea. It would be good if there is a way we can do it as a group, so they can see altogether who is having this problem.

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I don’t use anything but ghsp and mineral spirits. Never was interested in using any type of powder and likely never will be. The doll is also rarely handled. @bbsupport do you have any ideas?


SAD nothing has worked. I am quitting on that little guy and starting a baby girl tomorrow.

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The paint is still not curing? :frowning:

No I just don’t know what else to try. I never have tried any powder mentioned either? What is it and what is that for? I would love to get this little guy DONE.

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There is a tutorial on FB, by Sue Ellen, which shows how to use highly pigmented eyeshadows to color dolls. There is a lot of opinions on whether they work or not. Melissa George came out with her own line of powders, made for reborning, in her FX line (now being discontinued). When GHSP were used over powders, artists found that the paint was not adhering properly or would come off not long after finishing the doll. There are artists here who can share more about it. I purchased powders but have never used them.


Hello everyone we have been following the post and this is what we recommend as a double check so that you know your paint has set all the way!! Hope this helps!

Besides washing the vinyl with dish soap and rinsing well, we recommend testing to see if the paint is set, by rubbing lightly with a wet Q-tip (wet the Q-tip with water).
We recommend baking in between layers and not adding many layers without baking in between.

Baking at the recommend temperatures at the recommended time does not assure the paint will be set. That is why you need to test it before moving on to the next step. When using Heat Set Matte varnish, it takes 3 to 4 bakings, turning the pieces and allowing to cool between bakings to make sure the Heat Set Matte varnish is completely cured.

If you are still having issues, please contact sales@bountifulbaby.com

Ann Dee


That sounds like the vinyl is oozing bit of oil. If the oil was just smudged on the surface washing or wiping it with alcohol would help, but if it is seeping from the vinyl, I do not think there is anything that will solve the problem. Putting several layers of paint should not make any difference. I mean people use GENESIS to paint paintings with paint applied very thickly with spatula! The sort of thin washes we do should set; the vinyl gets hot and the air in the oven is hot, there is no way the layers are too thick to bake.

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