NuWave oven settings

So the first time I used my oven, I melted the limbs. But I want to try it again. So What setting do you put it on? Would setting 6 for 8 minutes be good? I baked a test limbs on that setting and it seemed hotter that I am used to, but I think it will work. What should I do? Is that a good setting to work with?

I bake for 8 mins on level 7.


Ok! thats what Nikki said too. I’ll try that!
Thanks! :smile:


If you search for NuWave, you’ll run across some of the other conversations about time and temp. I think most of us use the 8mins @ level 7. But, it also, depends on your unit. If the temp is “off” you’ll need to adjust. Do you have a test limb you can use?

Oh! I have another question! When I baked with the oven on level 6 for 8 mins, the hands and fingertips where shiny. Do you know why this happens? Do the fingers get to hot that the surface of the vinyl melts?

I don’t usually get a shine. Make sure the parts aren’t touching anything. Did you take out the metal shelves? Also, are you using the extender ring?

I will take out the shelves now! Thank you for letting me know! And yes, I am using the extender ring.

Do I put the limbs on a blanket on the bottom of the oven or do I put them in a glass pie pan?

I don’t use any kind of pan. I use a couple of cloth diapers to line the bottom and sides. Some use white hand towels. The metal shelves may have caused the limbs to get more hot.


I bought diaper cloth like Amy!! Works great!!!


I practically live on the sun… It’s 110 and humid everyday- I use setting 7 for 8 minutes. I keep a temp gauge in my nuwave at all times to be sure.


I practically live on the sun… It’s 110 and humid everyday- I use setting 7 for 8 minutes. I keep a temp gauge in my nuwave at all times to be sure.

I sure would recommend that regardless of what type of oven is being used that an oven thermometer be monitored during baking. I never take mine out of the Nuwave. PL7 for 8 minutes reaches just over 250 degrees for me and that is adequate in a NuWave and forced air convection oven.


All of a sudden level 7 gets to hot! I am now using level 6

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Wow! It’s a good thing you noticed!


I put mine on 7 for 8 minutes. Shinyness would mean it got a little too hot. The matte varnish is supposed to help with that.

Yes, the doll can melt if it gets too hot. Don’t let anything
touch the sides of the oven or overcrowd parts, because they can stick to each other.

Don’t leave the little cake pan in there, just use your extender ring and put a towel or some folded up cloth diapers–anything that will cushion the doll away from
the metal tines on the extender ring.


So glad I found this thread. :slight_smile: Thanks girls!


My Nuwave does not have levels, I set the temp I want and the time it will run.

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can you use the pan that came with the nuwave oven and covered the bottom of pan with poly fil before you bake the vinyl

I bought the NuWave Pro Plus a few months ago and like you mine doesn’t have levels either. I just set the temp and time and have not had any problems…yet…