Nursing home babies

I don’t have permission to post the photos yet but one of my babies is at a nursing home (donated) and the daughter of the woman who got her sent me photos. She named him PeeWee (Juliet sculpt) and he is making her transition to the nursing home (for dementia) easier. It is a small thing but it is amazing to see how these dolls affect people.

I have another baby on her way to Florida to a mama who can no longer have children and has empty arms. Her excitement has me excited. Do you ever feel like a surrogate? We don’t have labor pains but we do carry around all these babies and to labor over them?

I love doing this, I know I keep saying it, and I did have a little melt down with an orange baby last week but damn this is fun.


I get very excited when one of my babies makes a difference in someone’s life. I lent one of them to a friend who had just lost her husband. She said it helped tremendously. Another person ((who won it in a raffle of mine) held hers when she was going through chemotherapy. She also said it was very comforting.


My SIL is going through chemo, I never thought of making her a doll for comfort, maybe I will follow your lead, thanks for the idea.


That’s a good likeness.

Wow that is awesome.

I actually am a gestational surrogate, and it’s a similar feeling on a smaller scale, I guess.

Awesome. I am a recipient of embryo donation and I am blessed that women like you have great big hearts and give of your time, love, bodies, and risk your health to help build families, thank you.

I always wanted to be a surrogate but I am out of the age range now even though I gave birth to my son at 47, happy, healthy, easy pregnancy. In my family we have late in life babies and ovulate forever, I adopted embryos for personal reasons ( I still had reserves).

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It’s really awesome to hear a success story! I signed up to be a gestational surrogate about 5 years ago, matched with a fabulous French couple that my whole family really bonded with and had 2 failed transfers and 2 early miscarriages. It was heartbreaking, but when I saw the doctor that I’m working with now, he did more extensive testing and found and removed a small polyp which he believes caused the problems last time. I am matched with a new couple and our first transfer should be the first week of October!

I have 3 kiddos of my own (ages 10, 14, and 18) and I have guardianship of my daughter’s 15 year old friend. I know how much my children mean to me and I can’t imagine my life without them. That’s why I decided to be a surrogate, I want so badly to help others become parents too. Wish me luck this time around! :slight_smile:


Baby dust…I think you are awesome!

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There is no other feeling like helping someone through a hard time with a reborn

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You are great to help others in this way ashleyfox98

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