NOVA by Cassie Brace

Has anyone pre-ordered her?

I have not I can’t look. I just paid off 2 Maizie Arcello kits so that’s it for a while.

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I think she’s cute but I am DONE with babies for now lol. I splurged and bought a few new faces…just paid off a Maizie preorder also…and I am dead BROKE. :laughing:


Did I say ‘for now’? I meant awhile lol. My new rule is want a new baby, then sell an old baby. :slight_smile:


Well now, Izzy, how can you have a collection if you sell off the kids?


That’s a good motto for sure, but I’m on a spending spree to make up for lost time lol. I think she’s really cute, I’ve got until midnight to decide lol


Lol Jean! Problem is, once the babies start building up I feel overwhelmed…with too many babies, too little space and the fact that I spent all that money. :laughing: I told myself only two dolls at a time, but somehow (don’t ask me how 'cause I don’t know), I think I’ve ended up with 3 on the way. :open_mouth:

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I’m passing on nova. :yum:

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I am passing too - just broke down and ordered Eric Stoete after having 3 Aurora’s and a Robin and someone else on preorder! Adding these to the other kits already my stash!


I did!!! She’s a cutie!!!

Nah. Not a huge fan of this one. I have Aurora Sky on preorder already. Lindea Legler next. And too many others coming up in the next 2-3 months, plus I just bought two ginormous Masterpiece toddlers from Germany and planning to gift myself a little Ashton Drake munchkin for Christmas. I also have other people to buy gifts for LOL. The joys and pains of being a collector :smiley:

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No passing on this one…waiting for a couple of Bountiful baby kits to come in :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :smile:

Babies Reborn by Isabelle