Not sure I have it

Ok thought I had it but my babies are starting to look a little too Dolly-esque. Maybe I am just absorbing to much paint thinner through my skin. I love these babies but someone give me an honest critique.


I don’t think it has anything to do with your painting, they look lovely. I think it has more to do with the sculpt you are picking. Some of the BB kits are very ‘dolly’ looking to start with. JMO


In close ups I noticed that the eyebrows are pointing the opposite direction from what they should be. The “arrows” should point towards the outside of the face.i drew a quick pic to show you- I exaggerated the one on the right so can see what I mean. Very good job for your first babies. I am only starting out myself and have learned so much already😀I also like your penciled hair😉


OMG! Thank you so much! I am terrible at realism. I appreciate it. :blush:


The blushing and veining are good. Try playing with undertones (blues, greens, yellows) some more, and mottling.
a Linda Hill tip: When doing veins, make disconnected dots with brush then blend and feather them. She also uses several different blues for 1 vein.


Great tip, Jillian. I must try that.

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I think your painting is great. Personally I like more veining in my babies, but that’s just me. Some of the sculpts are naturally “dolly” so they’re harder to make look realistic. You know?

It looks great especially on the head. Let me know if you need pictures.


I would love to see a photo, just to see how cool it looks. Of course, if it’s too much work don’t worry about it

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I was hoping to mention eyebrow direction, everything else is spot on to my eyes! Your lash rooting looks super!

Showing the dots before blending

Tummy plate

light veinging on head

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Thanks. I wouldn’t mind seeing a couple pictures if you have them!

Love it, thank you:blush:

Thank you!

I love critique, it helps not just me but everyone. I appreciate all the wise words ladies, now you have me all excited to start the next baby!!!


Exactly as Lynn said. Some sculpts are dolly looking. Try a sleep g newborn such as Harper or precious gift


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