Not really a reborn... please no critiques! WIP

Hello ladies! My 2nds Kenzie kit arrived today, and when I saw her cute little face, I knew I had to paint her myself! She was so cheap, I didn’t feel bad. I am NOT a reborn artist, but I wanted to challenge myself and have a little fun… here is a WIP picture:

I didn’t use any sponges at all! So I don’t consider her a real reborn. I didn’t use any of the typical reborning techniques or supplies. She is just my little happy art project.

I am having a lot of fun. I’ll work on her more tomorrow :slight_smile:


Well she’s looking very cute, what are you using to paint her with? I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself!!


Thank you! I’m using damp paper towels in lieu of sponges, and a few bottles of BabyFX paints

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She looks so cute! You sounded so excited ,I was smiling while reading your post ! Keep enjoying!


Are you sure you’re not an artist? She’s beautiful!! You must start painting!!

What have you been using?

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Why, thank you! You are too kind. I am using damp paper towels and BabyFX.

You’ve given her some beautiful and very realistic coloring so far. Not all babies have mottling, especially ones that are a few months old. And while lots of reborn artists tend to exaggerate the natural coloring of babies, it’s not always necessary. Keep playing with this one and having fun, you may be starting a new technique by using paper towels! I like her, you’re a natural artist!


She’s looking great!

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Seriously though, you need to start painting for real. Could you make me a Kenzie? Haha

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She’s cute and most importantly, you’re having FUN!!! :smile:

Can you tell me if there’s room on top for a couple of little teeth???

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You’re doing a great job! And it looks like a reborn to me, you don’t have to follow specific techniques for it to be. I like to try out new or different things while I’m reborning. Keep up the great work and having fun! :smiley:


I think you could add teeth if you wanted to :smile:

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Okay, good to know, thanks! :blush:

I think you have some talent! Glad your having fun!

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She’s looking beautiful!

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I think you are doing a fantastic job on her! Can’t wait to see her all done and dressed!

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Oh girl! You are most certainly an artist with a very creative mind. So glad you are enjoying the process. Your sweetie is looking great! Please keep sharing photos as you work on her.

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Great job, she is so cute I want to make a Kenzie waiting for her to go on sale again

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I used the 24mm eyes that Bountiful Baby recommends on their site!

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Thinking outside the box with damp paper towels, I like that!

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