Not happy with this rooting

So I have been rooting my Kenzie all week. I use a 42 g forked needle. And while she is not done I’m just not happy. I think I should have rooted the entire length of the mohair rather than cutting it.

I’m debating removing it and re rooting. Thoughts?



I think it looks nice. Some babies are born bald n don’t get hair til they 1. I would keep it as is.


IF you’re not happy with it, redo it. I would if I wasn’t happy. I think it would look better thicker perhaps. Do what you feel is best- it’s your work of art ! She is very sweet!!

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Thanks ladies. I think I am going to thicken it a bit in the back and leave it short. :purple_heart:


I think it is cute

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I think it looks good and is age appropriate. A little thicker in the back might be better but not too much.


It’s lovely! I wish I could root like that…no way would I pull it out. Just my not so humble opinion LOL

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You will get there. :purple_heart: it took me a lot of trial and error to learn to root like this.

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Do you use the needles with one barb? I am always bending those…

I.use a 42 g forked needle

Looks good on length, just needs the bare/sparse spots filled in.

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