Just wanted to mention how hard it is not sharing WIP and completed babies!!!
The last 4 babies I haven’t been able to share pictures for months! And it is hard. After I complete a baby I have a huge desire to share them and see if you think they are cute also! lol
My first 5 were for my kidlets and I was learning new things with each one, then #6 was my Easter swap baby, and #7 I entered into the Newbie contest on REAL, then #8 is my Character baby… and #9 is @micholc PIF Baby… ugh, I so wanna share… lol. Guess I will have to crochet something for a baby, finish my character baby’s costume and pick a special #10 to paint so I can share! LOL
K, done ranting!
I don’t like not sharing, either.
Haha, I have this annoying compulsion NOT to share until i’m finished.
The exact opposite of how I feel lol I try to avoid sharing my babies on the forum (personal stuff,nothing to do with anyone here) and for the most part I’ve stopped posting much at all. I used to be super active on here but lately haven’t felt like it!
I can’t wait to see your babies when you can share them though
I am still in the “whoa that baby looked like what before I started?” stage. I love the before and after pictures
I noticed I haven’t seen much from you lately. I hope you start feeling like sharing and being active more soon. Hope all is well with you.
Me too, I still can’t believe it sometimes!
I’ve just not been happy with my work and just changed my style drastically, I like my babies much better now but I’m still unsure about them. I may post pics later, we’ll see though lol I just gave one of my first babies a makeover and I love him so much more now.
Guess I can share these pics.
When Mommy plays with dolls… so do the kidlets… lol
Pic 2 is hilarious!!! That monkey is about to chomp!
Aaaaww, so sweet they are.