
A quick peek at Nod…this one is the girl…I fell in LOVE with this kit and have both listed on eBay right now.

And here is her twin brother:

Thanks for looking!

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Thank you, Denise…I am having issues with PhotoBucket tonight…I’ve resized all the pics but they are coming out HUGE…ack…think I will go to bed. Tomorrow is another day. It is, right?! LOL

They are very cute Karen. I love the pics of them together. I hope someone falls in love with your little boy too!!

They are just adorable. I am working on the Nod girl this week and I do agree - it is a beautiful sculpt and I wasn’t so sure I would like it at first. I am now liking it very much - you did a wonderful job.

— Begin quote from “Neise’s Nursery”

yes hopeful a better one. Im still trying to figure out what to do to my jewel kit. but think im going to bed and worry with it later. Sure not going to change over night. lol

— End quote

Denise, I hope BB replaces Jewel’s head for you; the vinyl should not tear like that when eyes are inserted.

And LOOK! My pics got smaller overnight…it’s a Christmas miracle! YAY!

Thank you, Cindy and Ginny! I love this sculpt and just MIGHT have to make a set for myself…I don’t have a “keeper” baby that I’ve reborned as of yet. After doing this for almost 10 yrs. I think it’s time.

Karen, it is definitely time after 10 years. Your babies are so beautiful and that experience and your caring enough to encourage the rest of us is priceless. You owe that to yourself!
For many years I knitted and crocheted, and still do on occasion (not such a great hobby in the desert) and donated countless beautiful pieces to the church for raffles. I did many for gifts - but I never kept a single one.

Oh they are just so precious! I love everything you have done with them! their hair is great too. So sweet best of luck on their sale. Nod sure is realllll easy to fall in love with, isnt he?

Karen you did an awesome job on her. I have Blinkin but am going to give her a soft body. Keep bringing us those babies to see.

Thanks so much Ginny, Katie and Kim…your very kind words made my DAY!

