No sale on bb for the holiday?

WOW!!! Ladies, it is a sad state of affairs! It is 2:30 AM and the only kit added is Sadie from Marissa May!
Deep Discounts for the day are the usual kits plus ! How disappointing can it get!! Maybe the next Holiday!


They are saving you some money ha ha ha. Usually they have a sale .

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And I was going to buy Hannah, but she’s back up to $30 overnight. Don’t leave anything in your shopping cart overnight if it’s on sale, because the price changes when it goes back to regular price.

Has anybody done a Sadie? I never really looked at her. She’s pretty cute and the price is right. Pictures anyone?

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I am about to do Sadie! She looks like a half alien baby. Super cute! Lolol BB has not done big sales… No 4th sale or now Labor Day. Hmmmmmm, well… Saves me money! :heart:️ and I am not buying things I don’t really NEED! :smiley:

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Sadie’s a cute kit AND she has adorable feet :heart: I’ve reborned her twice; here are some pics:


I am doing my second Sadie …It is not my favourite at all.

@kareninflorida Thanks for the pictures. I think she’s really cute!
@andikYou don’t care for the kit, or just the one you are working on? If the kit, what don’t you like about it?


Did you leave her a baldie? I can’t tell from my phone lol

@honojane . Just my opinion…I don’t like the face at all. My daughter thinks she is cute and my friends too. She had several looks on etsy and a lot of people favorite her so it is I think just me.
I sold that and I am working on the second one…but I feel because I don’t like it somehow dose not come out the way i would prefer. I like @kareninflorida’s because she reborned somehow soft .

it is a good deal and you can give it a try…if people like him/her than are you going to sale for sure…also you may like it…we are all different !!


Not bald ~ painted hair on both

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Beautiful! I love painted hair!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

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This is not a sale! I feel like we are all being punished for not buying out all of the clothes!! There has not been a sale since they started to clear that… really don’t want to purchase play clothes for children or pay shipping for a bow…IMO


I’m a little tired of the boutique items, too. I did notice that Dolls By Sandie is having a 10% off sale the 8th and 9th.

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Haha Nikki my oldest said I should make mine into an alien baby. She is cute tho

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You guys can check out my own BB sale.

Thanks. I’ll look more carefully at the face and see what I think. Anyway, I diddle-daddled around and missed the sale so if I want her I’ll wait til next time.

By the way, they have a boutique sale, but hardly any kits on sale at all. I don’t buy the boutique stuff so nothing for me. I shouldn’t buy anything right now anyway. I need to sell something.