No more Ebay!

I used to sell on Ebay but have not in a while. Now that they want to link directly to your bank account I NEVER will sell there again!



That seems dangerous to me.


I have no idea about how eBay worked before or how it works now. PayPal links to your bank account as well though. What is different between the two?

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My PayPal is also linked to my bank account. Is this any different?

PayPal was a subsidiary of eBay. They recently split. I dislike eBay for other reasons and won’t mess with them, but they should be just as financially secure as PayPal.

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I only sell on Ebay…so I went ahead and linked my bank account …it already was linked with PayPal and I feel it is secure.

Didnt mean I liked doing it…but I had to so I could continue selling on there.


PayPal is a financial services. eBay is a selling platform.
I don’t know how their link works tho, if they need your approval to take money of it or not. If it’s like Amazon, where you have to buy for the money to go or if it’s like PayPal where they could take money as they want (for refund/chargeback). If it’s the case, I don’t trust a selling platform to do that.

And there are some laws and regulations for acting like a financial services ?

I am not sure if I express myself correctly, it’s hard in english.

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Exactly, I don’t want them willy nilly taking money from my bank account. Yes PP is link to your bank account but I keep money in Paypal to cover things and they don’t touch my bank account.

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I think about PayPal like it’s a wallet. Ebay is not. It’s probably safe, but I will not bet my family income on that.

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I have recently linked and love it. They transfer money into my account directly when I make sales. There is protection in there from customers charging back somehow, so I agreed to give it a try. Their financial statements are now much easier and simpler for tax purposes also. I have been doing a similar arrangement with Etsy as well, and I like it.


Hi I opened a"reborn account", a separate account for my money from dolls, savings account linked to PayPal . If i think I am getting too much in there to be safe I pull the money out and leave some in. My son is IT person and warned any of these PP or Ebay companies can be hacked too. I feel keeping just enough for a few things to buy or if there should be a claim they can only take from this small savings account. JMO :footprints: :baby:


It’s a wise thing to do.

Most platforms link to your bank account or your credit card number. It is so they can do charge backs. I use Etsy and they want a bank account and credit card on file. I use a credit card I never use and I have a separate bank account just for dolly stuff.

The cool think about that is if the dolly dollars are gone, no more shopping for me.


Yes you and I do the same thing I think it is safer. LOL yes when you run out of money in your “dolly account” thats it no more shopping. i buy all my supplies from my dolly account. :footprints: :baby:


Well since I have not sold anything on Ebay in years I will just see if I think I ever need to do it. I don’t ever sell on Etsy any more either. All my stuff goes through Reborns dot com or direct orders and in the past doll shows. We will see how this goes over time.

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I was going to quit eBay, too, because of this. I’ve been with them for 23 years. But my husband set up a bank account for me that would be used only with eBay transactions. So, I may try that. I have a lot of clothing and other stuff I want to sell, and I’ve sold most of my reborns on there.

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Ebay supports fake sculpts, no matter how much you report them, they dont care. I will never use them again


Shiela, that’s exactly what I do. I have a “special” online bank account and put money into it when I want to buy something, if someone manages to hack into it----they aren’t going to get anything (or very little). I won’t link anything to my ‘main’ bank accounts!!