No justice :)

I received Logan from @mcurbelo tonight! My photos really won’t do her beautiful work justice but I’m so happy with her! This is the first reborn I’ve purchased from another artist and I’m so happy I did! Her details are amazing, but her hands and feet are my favorite part! She sent her as a girl, but I’m excited that she is pretty gender changeable xD as I will have fun dressing her either way!

I’ll take more photos in the day time.


Aww you are so sweet. I love him ether way too. Thank you so much :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Lovely baby.Can’t wait to see more pictures.


Very nice baby. Please do share more pics!

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Beautiful work! Love the lips!

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Congratulations on your new baby!

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Beautiful baby! Congrats on your new arrival!

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Finally got around to snapping a few more… so busy now that the I have to go back to adulting. I swear winter break is for the teachers not the kids! Hahah.
I just love this cutie though!

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