Nikolas WIP

Me too!

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He totally is❤️❤️❤️❤️

A bit too late for this year, but maybe for Halloween next year, we can have who can make the best Nicolas “Eddie” Munster Challenge.

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Or a Gordon Ramsay contest!!!

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I adore this doll for some reason ! He’s perfectttttttt

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Wow! Thank you!!! :heart:

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No problem! Do you do customs?

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Nikki he is perfect!!! Don’t change any of his paint work…it is SUPER…Like one of the ladies said above…finishing touches and put him together…he is adorable (and I never liked this kit before…looks like I will have to get him now to add to my stash!)

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WELCOME BACK!!! We missed you!!! And thank you!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

Thanks Nikki.

I miss all of you as well…This was the first place I came to when I walked in the door…hahaha!
I need to go check my emails but I still have about 15 new topics to get through reading on here first and then I will go to emails… :smile:


Personally, as far as crushing on Chefs go, if I were to have a crush on any of them, it would be Curtis Stone! (But I am too old for this stuff!)

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Helen!!! Curtis is my sisters husband doppelgänger! Lolololol :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️


I hurt my hip a few years ago and was stuck on the sofa for a month. I did nothing but watch episondes of Take Home Chef! I became very attached to Curtis! I get his update emails and the kids tease me by telling my husband “Mom got a love letter from Curtis!”


Lololololololol you are so funny! I want to live in your house! It seems to have so much joy there​:heart:️ I am like that with kelly and Michael in the morning and Ellen in the afternoon!! And I tell my husband that Adam Richmond is my tv boyfriend. He makes me laugh. I soak up all the laughter I can get!!! It’s lonely here!!! :weary: I am so glad I met you Helen!!! And I love that you have such a happy life! Because you are a one in a million lady! :heart:


You are such a people person. It must be hard for you to be lonely. My family has it’s crises too. But overall, we are happy. My computer is being totally wonky. I have a delay of about a second between each letter I type and it takes forever to load anything. I think I’ll go do something else for a while. This is too hard.


Nikata hair!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

Holy crap- I thought I wrote all of that in private message!!! :grin::grin::grin: embarrassing!

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Well, ladies. We’re old, not dead. We can still have crushes and fantasies.


Yes we can! My oldest sister said “one day my ship will come in and I hope it has a handsome Captain!” I told her “when my ship comes in I hope it’s piloted by a PIrate!!” I want to have FUN the next time! I’m single now and both my kids are grown!!:wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’ll take a pirate if he’s Johnny Depp!!!