
Most of y’all know that Helen ( Honojane ) agreed to hold Nikkita for me. I paid for her today and am to excited for words right now.
Thank you so much Helen :heart_eyes::heart:️:heart_eyes::heart:️:heart_eyes::heart:️:heart_eyes::heart:


I reset her head a little bit so she’ll pose a little better for you. I added some weight to the neck area too. It’s really hard to tell what size clothes to put on her. 12 months seems to be the ones that fit best most of the time but sometimes 18 months work for her. It really depends on the company you’re buying from I think, She’s fun to dress because she can wear the cute little girly clothes. I’m going to miss her, but I know you’ll post some pictures, right? :smile:


Thank you HElen and yes of course I will post pictures. I already have her some clothes and her baby doll should be done by the time she gets home.:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️
I am so excited I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas LOL


Well you don’t have to wait much longer. I may have to go out and get a box for her. I don’t think I have one big enough. I don’t have a high chair so I had her sitting on a stack of books at the table. She looked so cute. I should have taken a pix for you.


That would have been a cute picture.:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

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Nikkita is being a naughty girl this morning. I noticed one of her eyelashes got messed up when I fixed her head. Now I have to reset her eyelash…bad baby! I am never going to coax that girl into a box!


Yes I bet that is a pretty scary thing she is going to be up to all kinds of tricks :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Have we seen pictures of this baby? What kit is she? I am feeling totally out of the loop on the forum.


It’s my Lena toddler.

She’s the one I made some time back when Nikki and I took the toddler class. She named hers Helena Jane and I named mine Nikkita Alexis.


I fixed her eyelash. All’s well!


So happy for you both. Safe travels to Nikkita✈️😄

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Nice new profile pic, Pia!

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I fell in love with this little girl when I first saw her on and Helen was nice enough to offer to hold her for me till after Christmas. So she is finally mine just waiting for her to get up the nerve and crawl in the box.:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
So thankful that Helen was willing to do this for me :heart_eyes::heart::heart_eyes::heart::heart_eyes::heart::heart_eyes:


I like to ship them in footie jammies so I’m buying her some today. I’ll get her box too so I can get her packed up tomorrow. Sorry about the delays. I usually ship really fast. She is just so uncooperative. :angry:


That’s fine I’m sure that our mail is backed up like crazy they haven’t delivered mail since Christmas Eve because of all the snow we have had.
The footed pj will keep her nice and toasty on her travels in this weather LOLGrocery stores have not even got any deliveries they are out of everything.


I found cute PJ’s but haven’t managed to get to the store to get the box. It’s probably just as well if you are having major snow. I’d sure hate for something to happen to her. I always pack in big plastic bags so that even if the box gets wet, the baby will be fine. This time of year you can’t be too careful.

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Oh, and I bought her a little “skunk” too cause she’s such a little stinker!


Thank you Helen mail actually ran today first time since Christmas Eve. They should however change there motto from the norm to only deliver through rain sleet and hail LOL Just a funny I am glad they haven’t delivered in this mess, it’s been horrible. Of course we weren’t prepared here because we don’t normally get snow like this. I heard one of our grocery stores finally got a truck in so I had to go to town and get groceries we on,y have three places in town to get groceries so it’s been slim pickings. I was starting to think we were going to become vegetarians I could do that no problem but the rest would sure frown on it LOL

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It looks like with the holiday that unless I manage to get her out today, I won’t be shipping until Monday. Is Monday a postal holiday? I don’t think so…hmmm. Is your weather looking better there now? Will it be safe to ship her? Everything is wrapped up. I’m printing her certificates and boxing her up as soon as I get home this afternoon. (I still have to get that darn box) Then it will just be a matter of when the P.O. is open and she’ll be on her way home. I am really sorry for the delays, but maybe it was a blessing with the weather so bad on your end!

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We are not getting anymore snow so that’s good just cold . So yea weather is getting better. I don’t think Monday would be considered a holiday or not but as much time as our P.O has had off I bet if it is they work anyway.LOL So whenever you can get her shipped would be fine according to our weather. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: