Newbie Questions

I appreciate everyone’s feedback from my first post a couple of days ago. I have been looking on the internet to get more info on reborning and I think I am going to go for it. Yayyyy!! But I have a few questions concerning some of the info I have stumbled across.

  1. After researching, I think I am going to go with the Genesis Heat dry Paint since it may be easier to fix mistakes before drying. I have read that some people use a heat gun for drying instead of the oven. What are the pros and cons of using a heat gun?

  2. I see that the bodies come 2 different ways - one with zip ties and one with string. I know the ones that ties with a string are cheaper but which one is the best for a newbie?

  3. Out of curiosity - what are magnets used for? I see that they are sold but not sure of the use.

I am sure I will have more questions as I continue to research. :slight_smile:

Heat gun is mainly for setting small areas like lips or nails just to do touch ups and such. You would not want to use it on the whole baby. [quote=“dixiegal, post:1, topic:53746”]
I see that the bodies come 2 different ways - one with zip ties and one with string. I know the ones that ties with a string are cheaper but which one is the best for a newbie?

As far as the bodies you can buy the one with strings and replace them with zip ties. That is what I do on most bountiful baby kits. [quote=“dixiegal, post:1, topic:53746”]
Out of curiosity - what are magnets used for? I see that they are sold but not sure of the use.

Magnets are used inside the head to make hairbows or pacifiers for the babies. :slight_smile:


Hi, welcome to reborning I’m pretty new as well only been doing it for a few months I use Genesis paints. Typically the heat gun is used for spot drying. It’s best to bake the kit in an oven or nuwave of some kind. The cable ties are probably best because of the durability. But I have used string ties and would use for an adult collector who doesn’t plan to play or use as much. You can by the string tie bodies and put in cable ties.

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It is cheaper to buy an order of zip ties, then buy string bodies and replace with zip ties. Zip ties hold up better than the strings.

Magnets are used to make a magnetic pacifier or add magnetic bows to baby’s head.


I meant *buy. I see @AmandasBabies beat me to answering…Lol have fun show your WIP if u need help along the way everyone is so helpful

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String ties have a way of mysteriously breaking and limbs falling off. :flushed: A great use for them is when you want to put the baby together before complete…that way you can tie and untie as often as needed. Use zip ties when complete for durability.


@AmyR777 never thought of doing that, putting baby together with strings just to see how he/she looks. lol! Good idea.

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I use zip ties now but in the past have put babies together with doubled dental floss. That stuff doesn’t break even if you want it to. I have found that the string tie bodies don’t have a big enough opening to swap with zip ties and be able to tuck the head of the zip tie inside.

That’s a great point!

I would recommend buying a good heat gun from Home Depot instead of the Genesis one. I went through two of those very quickly. Good luck with your reborning.

@jeanhai that’s why I can’t tuck my zip ties, SMH.

@Kerri @dixiegal Yep! Very serious addiction, lol!

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Thanks for all the responses. You are great!! I have ordered paint, supplies and my first doll kit from BB I have been doing research and watching videos. Can’t wait to get started - I hope I do a good job with the first one. Remains to be seen. I am sure I will be posting more questions as I progress. . .

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