Newbie in love!

Hi ya’ll , I wanted to introduce myself. Teresa (better know as Trix). I have been married to my high school sweetheart 38 years. My husband and I do missions and teams on short term mission trips. We have one son,35. He is leo, his beautiful wife, a school teacher and three grand babies…Jase 9 (who looked just like the Kase awake) Mia 6 and Sadie 21/2 years old. Just want to let you all know I have been reading everything you all have written on this forum… WOW, what sweet ladies with tons of information and knowledge ,hi Mary Jane ! . I have ordered my first two babies and I am so excited!! It is my granddaughters fault ! lol Now I am afraid I am already addicted. I want, Kase, Olive, sugar … Oh, and oven on the way !!!

I will be talking to you all soon I’m sure ! haha



Welcome! They are full of excellent info here. :slight_smile:

Welcome Trix! You just can’t help but fall in love with these babies and this hobby.


Welcome to your new addiction!! Lol.
Have fun it’s a great forum lots of nice ladies and you will make some great friends

Welcome to the crazy reborn world. :blush:

Also, got that crazy hairy scary leg ordered ! lol

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Welcome,you will love it here.All of the forum members are always very helpful if you run into any problems or just have a question.Enjoy the process,it’s addictive for sure.


Welcome Trix! I hope you enjoy it here :slight_smile:

Welcome Trix! Glad to have you!!

Welcome Trixie, to the reborn addict group. Lol

Welcome to the forum Trix… and welcome to your new addiction lol. We’re the worse sponsors you’ll ever met lol


Welcome Trix, it’s a wonderful forum with lots of ladies ready, willing and able to offer advice whenever you need it. May I offer a little unsolicited advice—before you buy a kit, ask some of the members what they think of the kit and could you please see any pictures they may have. Until you get more involved and learn to recognize which babies will come out looking
"dolly" vs which babies will come out looking more “realistic”. So many people see a sale and think-------Oh she’s cute-----then after getting it done they aren’t happy cause it looks too much like a "doll’. You will learn to recognize the difference. Hope I didn’t overstep!! Nice to “meet” you Trix!!

Welcome, Teresa!

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Thank you all so much !

Welcome to the family Trix. It’s nice to meet a fellow addict. :laughing: Please understand that once you have this addiction no intervention is possible so just enjoy it. Looking forward to seeing your babies!

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