Newbie here!

My name is Kathy im 56 years old and brand new to the reborn world! i just finished my first reborn and well im hooked to say the least! haha i do not have a good camera so im so sorry! here is Carter! any tips are more then welcome


Welcome Kathy… my name is Deb and I’m a newbie too. Also 56 years of age :). I’ve yet to complete a first “baby”, but did do two Princess Pug sculpts for my granddaughters at Christmas. You will find the search button very helpful in your new found addiction. Also, watch out for the BB sales, they can suck you right in LOL I have a “kit” tote in the closet and whenever my hubby goes in there, he just shakes his head. I have always been partial to babies and now that my grandchildren are out of that stage of their lives, I can have my cake and eat it too with my new found hobby. And no crying, feeding, burping or changing diapers to boot! Have fun and if you need answers to any questions, these girls and guys on this forum seem to be the ones to ask.

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I’m a newbie too, so I’m more likely to ask for advice than to give it… I just wanted to say I think Carter looks beautiful, from what I can tell from this picture. If you have a clearer picture I’d love to see it. Enjoy and good luck with reborning!

Welcome! If you have questions the ladies here will help you out.

Hi, welcome to the forum. I’m a bit older than you, and it is a year and a half since I started reborning. From what I can see, baby looks good. This is a really addicting hobby to have and such fun. It will be easier to answer your questions about skin tones and such with a clearer picture, if you can post one.

Welcome, Kathy! This is a great group! Your baby is cute but it’s hard to see any details in those pics.

My phone photos will sometimes have lines in them if I am using an OTT light for lighting. You might try natural light to see if it helps. Would love a clearer view of your sweetie. By the way, I am going to be 69 in March and I have been painting for just over 3 years at this point. Just finished number 52.

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Thanks guys and again so sorry about the bad quality picture its been kinda rainy today but we did get a small break so i set him up beside the window its not much better but its something! lol

Hi Kathy, welcome to the forum. Your baby is a bit hard to see but I’m sure he is lovely, Congratulations on finishing your first reborn, it’s official, you are Addicted and one of us now. I am rather new too and 66 years old, so, even us older ladies love this hobby. This will be quite a journey you are embarking on, Again—Welcome !!!

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Wow, there are sure a bunch of us over 50’s here on this forum I thought I was the only one. I’m 65 and will be 66 in February. I’m pretty new to reborning too, but I’ve sold a few dolls on Ebay and done lots of other kinds of art so I might be able to help on occasion. I sure know I get a lot of help here and on other forums too. I find this one is the easiest to use though. Welcome.


your baby is cute
i too am new here love the forum great place for information and a great bunch of wonderful helpful people

Welcome Kathy! :slight_smile:

Welcome Kathy! I am new as well and just working on my second baby. I am painting the “Molly” sculpt. I am 44 years old, full time college student, and I work part time. Me and my fella also do civil war reenacting. So I do not get a lot of free time LOL. This is a great forum. Everyone is nice and I think we all just love babies!



Hi, I’m DJ! Also 56! Great to see all the new people on here (and all the rest of you too!). I’ve been doing this for a while but until lately using air dry paints. I am switching to genesis for now. I haven’t painted much this last year but hoping that changes. I love this forum and hope all of you will too!

As for photos and lighting, the coloring works best for me using bright interior lighting. I have a ceiling fan over my bed with three 75/100 watt bulbs. Plus I figure most of us play with our dolls inside so I prefer that for painting also. I have a small Ott light but rarely use it. Someday I will try out the photography lights, I hope. Just experiment till you find out what works for you. Also even on a cell phone, you can adjust the exposure if needed.

Hi…I’m Melanie. I just turned the BIG 60 but don’t really care as much as I did when I turned 40. Time goes bye so fast that I’ve decided to just go with the flow and have fun. I’m new at this addictive hobby and will be going to my first doll show this summer. I can only imagine it will make the addition far worse :smile: Welcome and hope you learn lots. I sure have and do every day!!

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