New To This

Hi everyone!
So I have wanted to do this for about 10 years now but never was able to. I am making my first baby (Megan kit) and am sooo in love! I have entered many giveaways and such to try to win one but never have. I would love to take part in a swap sometime. My first girl is coming out great. I will post pics when I can. I am in the process of rooting her hair, then she will be ready to assemble (which I am so excited for that I want to jump the gun, but I can’t). I love looking at the pics of everyone’s babies and can’t wait until I can afford to buy myself one so that I can have that great “opening” and get to love someone else’s baby. So for now, that is all. I am enjoying reading the posts and look forward to many new friendships in my new passion. Love Ya. Bonnie


Hi there!!!

Welcom to BB…looking forward to seeing your baby when she is all done!

Hi Bonnie, Welcome to the forum and the addiction…Look forward to seeing you first baby…never be afraid to jump in a comment and if you need any help…lots of us here to help… :smile:

Welcome. Show us your baby when it’s done.

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HI Bonnie, I’m pretty new here but welcome :slight_smile: I did the Megan kit as my second little girl :slight_smile: and just rooted her hair…someone HEREtold me…LET THE ADDICTION BEGIN!!!


Hi Welcome!

Hi, Bonnie! You have joined a WONDERFUL forum with very supportive members! As a new member myself, I can tell ya first hand that you are gonna LOVE it here😄 WELCOME!

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Welcome! I’m working on Megan right now too. Isn’t she the sweetest little thing! Please share pics when she’s done. :slight_smile:

Welcome Bonnie! You have just joined the best forum ever. You will make some real friends here. We’re always available to help or even to chat.

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Welcome, Bonnie!

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Welcom Bonnie !! I reborned Megan 4-5 times I do not even remember . Love that sculpt. Enjoy reborning and enjoy the forum

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Nice to see someone new with so much enthusiasm! You will love it here! :heart:

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Welcome Bonnie, you are going to love our forum. We have the best members who are always ready, willing and able to give you a hand when you are “stuck” or having a problem. If you’ve been stalking us you know that the spyglass in the upper right will become your friend and give you more info than you probably want. It’s nice to have you with us. Can’t wait to see some of your babies along the line!! Post as many pictures as you like, we love pictures here!!

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Hi welcome to the best forum, you will enjoy all these ladies and their help and humor.

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Welcome, Bonnie. It’s nice to have you here.

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Hello there Bonnie and welcome! I think you’ll find We are like family here. Can’t wait to see your babies.

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Welcome, I am fairly new too. Everyone here is very helpful, even with silly questions.


Welcome to the forum Bonnie!

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