New Sculpt! *I think*

Has anyone seen this baby yet?!?! She’s from a Russian artist. I MAY have asked for an invoice to buy one. :grin:

She was made by Tanya Latashevska. I’m not familiar with the artist. Anyone know of her?


Hahaaa… I was going to message you earlier about her because I was tempted to do the same. :sweat_smile:

Tanya is a prototype artist, but I think she is new to sculpting. Or if she was sculpting previously, she didn’t share it. This is the first silicone baby I have seen from her. She is so cute!


Same here but hot dang!!!:exploding_head: I can’t WAIT to get my hands on this one! I’m not entirely sure she will make it out my door…lol!!


I don’t know that I would be able to part with her either.

All that’s stopping me from ordering right now is an empty PayPal account. :rofl::rofl: My short term payment plan people decided to turn this into an extra large one. One is doing $50 every two weeks on a $650 doll.:roll_eyes:



I did it because I have a baby sold that paypal is holding money for. They should release it the end if this month. It was the first sale on this account. Meaning, I can replace the money in a few days to a week. I’m not waiting. I don’t want to miss her. If this is her first baby, she’s off to a great start!! I need to scoop them up before she gets a huge name in sculpting and a 12 inch baby is like $1,000.

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Is that how much a 12" baby costs???

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Umm…if it is some for prominent artist, they CAN be up to that much. I’m trying to conjure an example for you but I’m drawing a blank. (See what I did there? I’m so punny it kills me!)

Anyway, 12 inch babies that are decent looking go for $500 to $800 blank. Again, I’ve seen some for less but they are ugly. The higher end ones are cute but when I can get a newborn size, why pay that much for 12 inches?

If you think about it in terms of materials, the difference between 12 inches and 19 inches is probably a hundred or two dollars. Given that there is a 7 inch difference, being $500-$800 is fair when a 19 inch is $800-$1,500.

I just paid $750 or a 15 inch baby. He’s a sweet little peanut!


I want to see. :blush:

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It’s the Grumpy one I’m still piddle farting with simply because his presence in my incubator is absolutely aesthetically, PRECIOUS!! :grin: BUT, I’ll happily share a picture of him. Lol!! I need to touch up his matte and root him. I absolutely cannot keep him. :sleepy:

He was close to $800 after shipping.


The hands and feet look a bit odd to me…


They are a little odd. Every artist has must have features if you will.

I need a cute face and a well proportioned body to limb ratio. I don’t fuss about the hands and feet too much. Some artists will accept a not so cute face or a body ratio that is slightly off.

This is what happened with Angelina for me. Her hands and feet are quite frankly, horrible. Her body proportions looked lovely in pictures to me. Then I got her in person and her head is a bit too large as well. That’s why I’m selling her without painting her.

Hopefully this one doesn’t turn out the same. :flushed:

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Are you speaking of silicone prices here?

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Yes. We are talking about silicone.

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I thought you had to be. :slight_smile:

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I followed here on you tube
First she was painting reborns and soon she became a prototype artist
Here reborns are amazing
Then she started sculpting

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I Google her and was checking out her babies. She is a wonderful artist! I’m kind of excited to see what she sculpts next.

That face is adorable! I’d definitely want her if she was in vinyl!

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