New kits @ MacPs

Have you seen all the new pre-order kits on MacPherson’s? I am sooo doomed! lol


I already know I am preordering Magdalena :heart_eyes:


No but I am going to have to go check it out! lol


I’m loving Magdalena and also Romy Legler!


She is so precious! I can see why you love her, she has similarities with Sunny’s expression. She will be a big hit!

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I just went and looked. Magdelina and Romy are adorable :heart_eyes:

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I love Romy!

I’ve been looking at the sneak peaks too as well as the pre orders, oh man…my list of wants is too long already :sob: I need to be rich and immortal to paint them all after I get them :joy_cat:


Oh my goodness, the Sneak Peeks page has soooo many beautiful upcoming kits!! :heart_eyes:

I’m really curious to see more pictures of Ava by Cassie Brace (I LOVE her from the side, but the picture of her face isn’t super flattering). And Bennie by Bonnie Sieben looks adorable…

I also love the pics of Half Pint by Marita Winters and all of Melody Hess’ new mini babies! Someone save me, please :joy:

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Truborns has some awesome sneak peaks as well. Swear we should all go in together to hit the lottery to buy all these new amazing kits coming out lol


Where did you see Melody Hess’ mini babies?

They’re in the “Sneak Peeks” section, and it looks like some of them are still in the rough stages of the clay sculpt. But look how lovely these two are!

I love Lua’s little silly face.

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Gosh! I like her, too :grimacing:

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Romy has dominated my Facebook feed today. Every prototype artist has flooded Facebook with pictures of her all day. :heart_eyes:

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She’s amazing

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Same with instagram lol

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I wish I could get one of several but Huxley really appeals to me. She’s different but very cute. I love Silvia’s version of her.


I like Huxley too, perhaps I will get one and paint her unlike her sister Adelaide, just can’t get into her, though I’ve seen some nice versions