New game..What was the weirdest comments you recieved as an artist

This made me laugh so hard!

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I once had a full body toddler listed for €150. The kit and hair alone had cost me about €120 so it was a steal. I got a message with a sob story, no money, can’t have any babies herself, the works. Asked if she could have her for €50. She just needed to sell some of her things because she had absolutely no money at all right now…

My favorite comment on a reborn YouTube video was:
“what if I have to go to school, can I leave them home alone or should I get a babysitter?”


I stupidly posted one of my dolls on a sale sight on Facebook and seen almost 20 comments, my excitement faded quickly when I realized it was all hate and calling me a freak, get a life etc. I deleted it quickly and took a few deep breathes. I realized people are at their worst when they have lack of understanding. I get not all people have the same interests, what I don’t get is why try to crush others for what makes them happy? ( Not sure if this applies):grin:


I agree with you. You’re not hurting anyone, you’re doing something that makes you happy and it has absolutely no consequences for their lives.
Putting someone down for loving something is just sad.




Those kind of mean spirited, negatively opinionated people do not define who you are. Don’t allow them to suck the joy out of what you love.

Not so much a verbal comment but I had one young man who when he saw his girlfriend holding one of my babies quickly ran off to the toilets and threw up!


:laughing: This is hysterical!

ummmm, no!

OMG! That’s just too funny!