New Artists & New Kits

Have you all seen these two little ones. Says they’re from new artists. Up for pre-order now. What do you think about them? I think they’re both really cute

LE Maikey by Angela Degner


Josie Leigh by Conny Burke


I love them both! I would buy for sure.

ooooo I love the Josie!! The only “awake” baby I have ever really wanted was Luli, little Asian baby with sticky-up black hair…sooooo stinkin cute. But, I digress. That little Josie is precious, and the eye brows!!! wow.

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Josie is definitely on to get list.

Did you see the AA version of Josie on the sale page, it’s really pretty too. Someone did a dynamite job on all the prototypes. I wonder why they don;t show images of the blank kit? Even when I see really pretty completed babies, I always want to see what the blank started out as. I think it puts things in better perspective for me…idk


I like to see the blank kit too.

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I like them both

I love the awake baby, Maikey!

I found one of Maikey…


They’re both gorgeous xx

I pre-ordered Maikey on the day of this post and got invoiced today lol. I’ve never had a pre-order baby come that fast.