New Alma Prototype! Reborn by Alexa Calvo, on eBay Now!

Good Evening!

We have an incredible new Alma prototype to share with you! This gorgeous girl was reborn by the talented artist, Alexa Calvo. Alma’s detail is absolutely exquisite! You can see more of Alexa’s sweet Alma here: Alma on eBay.

Alma’s eBay auction is also featured on our home page at

Realborn Alma’s kit is expected to be released in about a month. You can find the link to sign up to be notified in Alma’s item description, found here: Realborn Alma. Alma is a must have!

Have a great weekend!

Bountiful Baby


My new favorite reborn wow!


I think this kit will be loved by everyone! :heart_eyes:


She’s beautiful :two_hearts:

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I love her! :heart_eyes:

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Alexa’s babies are always adorable. The realism is incredible.

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Oh my, this is a must have kit! Can hardly wait to get her!

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Umm, i NEED this baby right now. Something about her, everything about her. Please release her tonight. I will buy her immediately. Release!!!


She’s cute. Her mouth reminds me of Skya. Does she have a realborn brother or sister?

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There is just some kind of magic that happens when you get the right sculpt married to the right prototype artists…this is a lovely baby, can’t wait.


Oh my goodness. Love her cheeks. Wonder whose baby she is.

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What a cutie pie. Reminds me of Darren.

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Y’all how did a doll just give me baby fever?! :heart_eyes::joy: This doll is perfection.


I love this kit! But now im worried because its expected to be released in a month and in a month ill be on vacation😭 and im sure shes gonna sell out really fast


I do believe this is my favorite realborn ever, well, maybe even my favorite kit ever. So realistic! When is the release?

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Shes perfect!

She’s gorgeous !

Perfection :)))