Never noticed these kits

Well i just bought 2 kits tonite i had never noticed before but look cute.
Funny how they are there but you dont see them until they come up on sale page then you think that one is cute! Dont ask me have to look them


I’m going to ask anyway lol …which kits are they?


Haha i just looked them up …Willow Flower and Libby


Williw flower kind of has a big tall head but i think hair different might change that look.Libby just looks so new born baby

lol. I have a Libby, but haven’t painted her yet, I’m thinking about doing her as little boy, but not sure until I actually get started. I just noticed Willow Flower on the sale page, I never paid much attention to her

Wait until you see Libby in person…she’s got a huge head lol Yeah I noticed that about Willow Flower too, like she’s got too much head above her eye brows

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Willow flower is one made from one of the forum ladies’ baby… Can’t remember who at the moment… Plus I am on my phone so harder to look it up

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This is my willow flower :slight_smile:


Libby is adorable and was my first baby. And my Libby is a boy

Oh Great!!..Well I hope whoever it is doesn’t take offense to my forehead comment

That was my plan too, but I haven’t quite learned how to make the babies conform to my will lol. I just paint and eventually they tell me their gender. I have this one non BB kit that I have been hell bent on making into a little boy, no matter what I do the still looks like a girl. I’ve put her to the side for now and will get back to her/him later.

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she is so pretty!

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Libby huge head?. great more rooting…lol…
Maybe the real baby from Willow flower doesnt have the tall forehead . i like her face to make bi racial… to me looks perfect
.My last i made bi racial i really didnt get her dark enough in the end looked white.
Maybe do better this one.

Vintage isnt it odd how you can make some babies look so different than the prototype?.Yours id never know it was her…still cute though!I sort of love that.
Yours head doesnt look tall at all.
Think its the haircut and you can always make a hairline lower.

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Willow Flower is a replica of Katy Perry’s baby daughter.


Yes! It’s crazy! I had needed an open eyed baby for a customer and she was on sale…so willow flower it was!! Lol! I do not price my babies high since it’s really a hobby for me so I try to use mostly the kits that are on sale :slight_smile:

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The baby on the right is the real baby. :slight_smile:


thats a cute baby.Its head isnt too high…Thinks its just the prototype hair cut

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The sculpt is cute, kinda looks like a revised version of dumplin, but i think the real willow flower is just adorable and a real cutie!


Same. I think she is cuter than the sculpt for sure. I cant imagine how hard it is to sculpt trying to look exactly like a real baby. Takes lots of talent and patience I am sure.

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