Never happy with rooting

So I’ve been making reborns for a LONG time and I realized, I am never happy with my rooting…I just don’t think it looks right.

Thoughts? he’s not sealed, and these are really crappy Ipod pics that mess up his coloring, badly. He’s not this color in person.


It looks like you may be getting too many hairs per hole.
Also I would move the crown back a little bit in the future but I don’t think it’s an issue. I can draw you a map for you head if you’d like. The front hairline looks great like around the temples it looks like you have the right idea as far as placement but just too pluggy
Question- are you using quality mohair? It really makes a difference


This is actually Alpaca. There may be some plugs, I need to go through and pull out the hair if there’s more than one per hole.

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I am no one to give advice on this. My rooting is never what I want it to be, but just looking at this I would say it’s a little thickly rooted where the little hairs come in around the hairline and ears. And maybe you could go to a lighter color in those areas. Haircuts can make a difference too. I can’t advise you there, but I know there are videos around.

:slight_smile: Thanks. I need to go through with a magnefier and pull out any plugs and then go from there. Looking at the pictures I think the front hairline is too…blunt, for lack of a better word? Maybe some whispy hair to break up the blunt cut ends. That was one mistake I made…I think.

I used to pull extra hairs and “tails” when I was done rooting but I find it much easier as I go along.


I am usually not thrilled with my rooting so this time, I used a different needle that picks up basically only one hair at a time. It is alot more time consuming but I am loving the look.


I can’t see the hair properly in your pic, but removing some extras as already discussed would give more of a baby hair look and also the “cut”. Check out some you-tube videos on cutting the hair. There are a couple of good ones on there. Sorry I don’t have the link on this computer.
I usually root a section and cut /style as I go but I know others root the whole head first then cut.
this is Abbie’s hair’…


I actually love the alpaca, and it’s not low quality at all. :slight_smile: But thanks.

Right I looked up some hair cutting videos and a trim made a huge difference! Now I just have to go through and pull out any with more than one hair per hole. :slight_smile: Once he’s finished I will share his finished pics.


Here’s a nice one:


:slight_smile: Wanna know what cracks me up about how there’s supposedly a certain place the crown goes? My husbands swirl is on the side of the back of his head. WAY off from where it should be I always tell him he needs to be re-rooted… LOL!! and a friend of mine has a daughter with 2 swirls in her hair. Never seen that before lol

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that said, I do think a hair map is a great idea when it comes to reborns. :slight_smile:

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Beautiful !

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My nephew has a tiny swirl in the front of his hair, so not every baby/person’s swirl is the same. Some people’s are just a little different :slight_smile:


I am never happy with my rooting either but one thing I think that could make it look a lot better is a hair cut. It may not be but it looks like the hair is 4 inches or longer. This is the last head I rooted and I am getting better but still no where near what I want to be.


Yes, the hair needs to be cut, It will never look natural if it goes from the swirl all the way to the front. Or even better root already cut strands. I cut mine to about 2 -3 inches.


Yes this one I cut into 2 inch sections and rooted, it turned out nicer then most of mine do lol.

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Thanks ladies! I gave him a trim, and he looks MUCH better! Still have to pick out the ones with more than one strand. But just a trim made a huge difference :slight_smile:

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