Need you opinion

But looking at the real baby - her eyebrows placed high, may be she was surprised in her sleep?
In that case you nailed them!


But looking at the real baby - her eyebrows placed high, may be she was surprised in her sleep?
In that case you nailed them!

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I think I will drop them down just a tad


I would pitch them so that the inner edge of the eyebrow is higher than the outer edge of the eyebrow. The painting is beautiful

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Not too far or it won’t look like the real baby. That kit is a great match.

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Is this better girls?


Perfect placement, IMO!



They look ok in person and I think when she gets hair and lashes it will be good lol

Are you planning to darken inside of the nostrils more?

I agree with Jean at first I thought they were too high, but looking at the real baby hers are really high.


Yeah some

Lol yeah. These has been a pain.

What colors do you use to darken yours. I drill my nostrils to. I know a lot don’t but I prefer to. I like the look.

They’re perfect! Bake those puppies on.


Oh, I didn’t realized ( and forgot that you do that) that they are drilled already.
I used all the colors as I go.

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Me to. Lol how does this look?


Ohhh so adorable. I like the skin color. Can you share how you mixed that color? Is it baby skin?

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I use the primary method but basically I just keep doing until I see what I like. I use alot of colors. And a wash of baby skin last with a small touch of white. And thank you☺️

Just have to say, even before the eyebrows were perfected, this is such an impressive match to the real baby photo, both with sculpt and paintjob. Amazing. :star_struck:

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