She needs something --right now she is a very pretty doll not a baby. She needs brows, lashes and her eyes to be set right but something is missing!!!
I think she’s perfect! Maybe once you add the lashes brows and hair she’ll look more complete to you?
I think her skin tone looks great! It could be the eyes themselves throwing me off with the bright whites? Either way I love her
She’s looking great. I’m thinking it might be the creases.
She;s Adorable! I would add more blushing, creasing esp her eyes do some more undertones on the bridge of her nose, A little more on her lips too
The paint looks perfect to me. It’s the eyes that don’t look real. The whites are too white and the irises don’t seem to have much depth to them. But that may change when you add lashes and brows.
Would the next size up in eyes look better? She is beautifully painted, just looks like she’s staring with so much white showing.
Deepen the colour of the creases?
These are the biggest eyes I had–they are oval 24mm. I tried the round glass 24mm and they were even smaller. I am going to see about 26mm. I agree about the eyes and I will add more depth of blushing and creasing
Yes, in the picture the creases aren’t showing up with much colour.
The flash did wash her out. I need to look at her in the day light again. I usually have a heavy hand with creases and blush. LOL
I think she looks amazing, I wouldn’t change anything
I love her!
I Love her, I think her coloring is good
I’m usually heavy on the creasing as well. Can’t wait to see her.
I noticed in other versions the eyes seem to be offset, looking to the side or up. Also maybe changing the eye color to a softer muted blue, Hazel even brown might give them a more realistic look. Try that first before painting, with Lashes with brows, she’ll be perfect. Her color is beautiful.
Actually every pic seems the eyes are angled, not dead center. Even try pushing them inwards just a bit.
Thank you–the 2 eye sockets are different sizes. I tried these eyes and they seem the best fitting and I will off-set them like you suggested
I like these eyes better! She’s super cute!
Love the colour of these ones! I like them turned as well. She’s going to be so cute. The colouring is looking better as well.