Need kit matches

Also … the real baby pics they are a few months old. I am trying to recreate a more newborn age. They didn’t have newborn photos of these babies I don’t guess. So their looks would be a little different newborn age than a few months

I did wind up ordering Ava Brace for baby one. Still need a good match for baby 2

Baby 2 is more difficult. She has a narrower face than a lot of the kits.

Would Sabrina Rose work?

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Hmmmmm…possibly. She is cute lol

I don’t think she is available though. I’m looking around.

I dont like the Ana Legler sculpt either. Personally I think the eyes are too large and makes me think more alien than human.

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I didn’t realize she was that old. Somebody here might have her in their stash. It never hurts to ask. :wink:

Yea I also think her eyes are too big. She has sort of a preemie look.

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Felicia by Gudrun may even work. It takes forever to do this mess…another reason I dont usually do custom orders. This stuff aggravates me lol

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I ask for pictures before I agree to custom portrait babies so I can see if I can find a good match. I’ve been lucky so far.

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This is a custom but not really a total custom. They don’t have a bunch of baby photos to share. This is what I got to work with lol. So I’m just trying to find younger looking kits that are sort of similar to these.

I think we found one that will work. It is a preorder but surely it will be here way before Christmas lol.

I’ve picked this kit twice without realizing it was the same kit lol

This is real baby beside this Felicia Legler kit


That’s a really cute kit.