Need help finding custom kit

Hi. I have a custom order for this baby & I need help with suggestions on a kit that’s as close as possible. Any suggestions?? :slight_smile: Thank yall so much

Paisley maybe, but without the open mouth?

She reminds me of Elodie Wosnjuk


Do they have a picture of her with her mouth closed? It would be easier find a kit.

Where is @kristi when you need her?

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She looks a lot like Sandy Fabers Nicky, but I think not a kit, maybe Ruby Faber? That’s a hard one.

Yeah she sent me several & she will be okay with a closed mouth but if it’s possible to have it open then that’s what she prefers. Thank yall so much for all the suggestions!!! :slight_smile:

Moritz or Benno Scherer

Celine Wosnjuk

How about Elyse by Cassie Brace. She is a sculpt from Sarah Daughtery’s little girl, Ella.

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Good one Pia!- Cassie’s new one Bluebell is good too- but closed eyes.

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WOW Pia!!! That’s incredible but unfortunately she doesn’t want to wait until it becomes available so I’m going to go with Paisley b/c the other pics of the baby really looks like Paisley. She’s happy with the closed mouth. Thank yall so very much for all the help!!! :slight_smile: I love this kit so much though that I’m gonna have to get it for myself. Lolol