Need a camera with a good close up lens! Suggestions?

I am looking for a good dsl camera that will take detailed close up pics. Right now I can’t get any closer than 3 feet away from my subject. I have a hard time capturing details on my babies. Would like to stay around $600 if possible. Any advice appreciated! Thank you. :slight_smile:

I have a Cannon SX150IS It cost around $300… it is great! I would recommend it! It does great close ups, and great distance.

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If you already have a dslr but want to get closer pics you could try some attachable filters. I had the same issue with my Nikon d3200 - I wasn’t able to zoom in as close as I needed. I couldn’t afford a new lens, but I found these for super cheap.

They just screw onto your existing lens and allow you to take closer pictures. I had a little bit of a learning curve but overall they do the job. Might be worth a try!

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I have this lens for my nikon

…i also use a 50MM prime lens for almost all my photography…first pic is from macro and second is from nifty fifty aka 50mm


Those are great pics! Thank you for sharing. Those exactly the kind of pics I’d love to be able to take.

I’ve never heard of these. I’ll check them out. The price is right. :wink:

I also use my 50mm prime lens for nearly all my photos with my nikon, I love it.