Neck ring

Is there a 64 mm neck ring shortage everywhere’s?

There are no 64 mm at all.

Do you mean 65mm or 74mm?

I mean 65 mm rings. Sorry


Nikki Holland has made some with a 3D printer but she is in Australia…
They make their own plugs and rings now, as well as a few other cool things like a rooting helper, breathing mech


Most of the time, I don’t use neck rings. Instead, I brush super glue into the channel on the neck (I also use it on the limbs). When it dries, the channel will be slippery. Just be sure to not get any of the superglue on any of the vinyl outside of the channel and let it sit long enough for the glue to be completely dry. I buy the super glue that is brush on style. It works great. I’ve been doing this for years.

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Thank you. Good idea. I’m pretty clumsy tho lol