I have reborn a Sugar kit from BB. I can not post pictures yet but. It is time to name her. I think the first name should be Elizabeth but no idea of a middle name. Her new mom wanted the Strawberry and Creme skin tone and used blonde mohair from Cher. Any one want to help me name her?
How about Iris or Paula?
I like Elizabeth Leigh, or Elizabeth Rose.
Elizabeth Kate
Thank you ladies! I hate being brain dead. i will choose one of these and let you know.
Elizabeth Anne
Elizabeth Grace
Elizabeth Kaye
Elizabeth Dawn
Elizabeth Rose
I’m partial to Elizabeth Grace - that’s one of my granddaughter’s name.
I love that, Elizabeth Grace! I was thinking Elizabeth Rose but then I saw this name. I will print her birth certificate my first day off from work next week. So far, that is the winner but…
Love Elizabeth Grace - good choice
— Begin quote from “kathrynpgadomski”
Elizabeth Kate
— End quote
good one Katie !!
(I actually do like it)