Naked cookie


I got her all together today but I don’t have a thing in my clothing bin that will fit her! Not even a diaper! I will have to go shopping.
She weighs 8 lbs and 9 oz. and is a chubby 24" long. … relim2.jpg … relim3.jpg … relim1.jpg

Dang, Angie! Your good at painting hair! She looks so cute…good job!

I’m still working on mine, in fact, her heads in the oven right now. lol These quads are going to be my first time painting big babies, also.

Thank you about the mouth. It could be better but this was the best I could do. I just kept layering different colors of pinks, mauves and reds til I got this. She is painted with LDC air dry paints and has lots of layers on her whole body so she is going to have to sit and cure a while before I can sell her.

I got her all together today but I don’t have a thing in my clothing bin that will fit her! Not even a diaper! I will have to go shopping.
She weighs 8 lbs and 9 oz. and is a chubby 24" long. … relim2.jpg … relim3.jpg … relim1.jpg

I got her all dressed and photoed for the auction. Her clothing I got her ranges in size from 6 mos, 6-9mos and 18 mos on the jammies. It really just depends on the outfit.