My Zapf dolls ~ 11/29 added a few more and a link to my boy Zapfs


There are more but photobucket is not cooperating with me at the moment.
Stay tuned!


How adorable! Where do you get these kind of dolls?

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Thank you. Sadly the Zapf doll company stopped making designer dolls over a dozen years ago. Now only make play dolls. The only place to find Zapf Creation designer dolls now is on the secondary market/eBay .

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Aww rats. They’re so cutie!

Adding more! :heart_eyes:

There’s more…But …I would be here all day! :joy:


Who is this beauty? I love her !

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This beauty is from the Naughty and Nice Christmas set. She’s Nice. I never did get her brother Naughty.
I named her Gabriella since I couldn’t get used to the name Nice. She was my first ever Zapf and got me hooked on them.


I love her. I’m going to put her on my “Dolly wish list”

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LOVE your Sophia twins, @Marilyn :heart:

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Gorgeous collection :heart_eyes:

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Thank you Karen! They are the image of my eldest daughter as a toddler.

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They are lovely!!! I have one, too- will have to take a picture and share! :heart: great collection.

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I would love to see yours @Becca.




Thank you @Stephie! I’m in the process of packing up my home and relocating to VA. so all of them are packed away. I used to display them in a wall unit but soon there were too many so I moved them into a spare room/loft. I don’t know how many I have. I have not shown them all. I’ll be posting more of my collection and am glad I get to share them with you all.
Stay tuned. :heart_eyes:

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These three are my little Zapfs.

And this is a link to my boys. :heart_eyes:

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