My version of journey (now Christopher)

what do you think?



So so cute!! Wow I love that umbilical cord!!

Thank you.i was afraid i wouldn’t be able to get it right.(my baby is 27).if someone stole my phone im afraid they’d return it quick. I have lots of “reference” pictures of umbilical


Thank you so much.i really tried to see girl,but all it ever was, was boy.(im very ok with that😉)

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Very sweet!!

You definitely nailed the umbilical cord! And he looks like a boy to me too. :slight_smile:

Very Sweet Baby, Great job on The umbilical Cord!!!

Thank you.that was the one thing i worried about,and from the minute i saw the kit i saw boy.

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Thank you so much

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Thank you

Nice job!

Thank you😊

I see boy too. :smile:

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I have never seen him as a girl either. Even if made a girl I see a boy in pink lol. Great Job!

Thank very much.from the first time i saw him,in the pictures from r.o.s.e. i had to have him. And i too have only ever seen boy.