My Newest Find

I purchased this at a store a couple of weeks ago and have been working on it. It was in really good condition just needed cleaning up and painting. The store owner told me it was a hundred years old. I really like how it turned out.




FABULOUS FIND! It’s soooooo beautiful!

That is beautiful! What did you have to work on?

Oh, I am so jealous!! I found a pram in a thrift store several months back and they wanted more for it than I had with me. When I went back the next day it was gone. Still looking for one. Yours is beautiful!

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Great find!!! Patty! April I am going to a huge flea market in Iowa called Junk Jubilee. Its one of the largest in this area. I am so excited to go cause this is one of the treasures I am on the prowl for. I also want an antique cradle. Seeing this is really stirring the excitement even more.


It’s a great find! You have done a great job in cleaning it up and painting it, what a nice surprise for your babies.

OH! I just love it! What a nice job you did refurbishing it. It is not often you can find something like that.

Oh she is lovely! I have weakness for vintage prams!!


Lovely pram and it looks like you did a wonderful job refurbishing it! Congrats - what a lovely photo prop.

OMGosh that is sooooo adorable!! I am looking for a hanging wooden cradle or something to display my baby in.

OMG!!! Gorgeous!!

Beautiful. Check out Craig’s list under antiques. I missed out by one day on one just like this. But there are more out there, some very reasonable.

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That’s sad. Hopefully, you’ll find another one.

Wow! Great find and wonderful job refurbishing it!

Thanks everyone for your comments and compliments. I could not remember if I had posted the baby pram I bought this past winter. It is a Silver Cross from the 1070s made in England. I had also been working on it. I purchased it to use for my new granddaughter to be born on the 14th of this month. I worked getting any rust that was on it off.


Really retro! Cool!

I like this one too!!!

Wow! I love it!
