My new Question

Why is it that not many of the kits new and old have open eyes?

Is their more open then closed? i had not even noticed. i have a ton of closed eye babies here! LOL I hate doing the eyelashes on the open eye ones!!! LOL

— Begin quote from “emeraldhillnursery”

Is their more open then closed? i had not even noticed. i have a ton of closed eye babies here! LOL I hate doing the eyelashes on the open eye ones!!! LOL

— End quote

Me too I hate doing the eyelashes on openeyed! I prefer sleepers, there is a quality of realism that can be achieve that cannot be achieved with their counterparts

Personally, I like open-eyed kits much better! They have so much more personality!!!

maybe because the sleepers mantain the illusion longer then the open eyed babies…sage

At first, I ordered open-eyed babies, because I wanted to have “eye contact.” (Is that strange, or what?) I like to pick them up and talk to them because they actually listen. but I’ve come around to liking the sleepers, because I want to just hold and cuddle, and then gently put them back down for the rest of their “nap!” I’ll tell you what! I am sooooo glad you other addicts understand me. I’m so thankful I found BB! I don’t know anyone else personally who does this, or “gets it.”

I love open eyed babies but like someone said I love cuddling a baby and rocking them to sleep. I get you all and I am glad you get me.

I prefer the open eyed babies too. They just seem to come alive when you pop their eyes in.

Closed eye babies are cheaper to make…you don’t have to purchase eyes…and they are a bit easier to do, such as rooting eyelashes etc.

BUT , I prefer the open eyed ones because they will not have the tendency to look dead. So many people dress up the closed eye babies in very fancy gowns etc and lay them in lace lined cradles that totally look like a coffin! It is dreadful! You cannot do that with an open eyed baby. Dress them up and they look like they are ready to go to a party. You can even lay them in a lace trimmed cradle and they look like they were put there to wait for Mama to get ready. They are so much more fun I think. It’s the eyes that make the kit for me. It’s the eyes that make them look totally real or not depending on how good the eyes are and how well they are placed.
Some of the closed eyed kits are really sweet and all, like Daisy Brown. No way could that sculpt look un alive!