My logo, any suggestions?

I’ll try that!


Here is the logo with your suggestion, I love it! It’s so hard to pick!


I like this one the most with all the writing at the bottom, but if you did want to keep some text at the top I would put the nursery name up there and your name at the bottom with the date. I feel like it looks cleaner with it all at the bottom though.


I like this and I know Jenny suggested all letters in black, but I think your original idea to keep only nursery name in black is better. Your name and year in gray would be sort of a mirror image of the woman with baby on top. Can you show me like that?


Ya like that and all at the bottom.


Ok @YelenaRey , here is the lettering fading out. I think I like it!


Look at how far it came with all your suggestions!
:heart: :star2: :heart:

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I like this one better

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Yep ! This one is the best !
Maybe just change the font for the year only, it’s hard to tell if it’s 2001 or 2007.


Thank you so much :blush:

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I like it! the only thing is I would make your font on your name a little big bigger or may be even in direfent (more plain font in italic) as it’s hard to read your last name in that font and small letters.

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Could your nursery name curve over the top instead of your name? It’s such a pretty picture and I like how the words frame it. All black lettering also makes it more clear and memorable. :two_hearts:

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Love ylena’s suggestion, looks super.


This is absolutely perfect!!! Make sure “nursery” is spelled correctly. It looks alike it has two “r”.


Nice catch! The spelling is right on the very first one, but misspelled on the rest

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Lol! Thanks for catching that! Thank you so much ALL! :heart:

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Yes thank you!

Now you have to put the few top choices and take a vote

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I love it it’s beautiful

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Fun idea!!