My little June (pic heavy)

She didnt turn out the way I wanted her to and Ive been messing with her for weeks, thats what I get for trying out new things on one of my good babies instead of a test piece but she’s still pretty darn cute anyway :wink:


I just realised that I need to fix that bow on her dress…its upside down LOL. I was a bit rushed. I tried a new body and I hated it so my husband and I had to redo the whole process again. I was hoping to put my Charles together as well but hopefully we can get him done tomorrow. We are leaving for vacation on Saturday so trying to get as much as I can done before we leave.

Very sweet! She has the same dress as my Greta!

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I thought that looked familiar. I recently bought a bunch of dresses on eBay.

What a sweet little girl!!

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She is so precious!

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Love her tones

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Thank you everyone :blush:

How cute and i love how you blush their feet they are always spot on :kissing_heart:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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