My little guy is about to meet his mama

This was a doll I was doing finishing touches to so I could photograph him. Long story short I melted a tiny part of his nostril. I won’t sell a boo-boo baby so he is being donated to a very special woman who has endured a lot of loss but has given back over and over. She has a baby ache something awful and fell in love with my dolly sweets. she never asked for anything free and I think she was worried what people would think if she had one.

I sent her a text and a photo told her this guy needed adopting…

She is on her way ( a two hour drive) to get him. She is so excited, I am excited for her.

This is crazy great.

I was so bummed this morning that I melted him, so bummed but it’s all turning out great. Honestly you can barely see the boo-boo.

Good day!


Nice! Sounds like a win/win situation. I’m sure she’ll love him. :blue_heart:

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That’s so cool. I wish I could be there when she gets him.:blush:


I really need to edit my posts before I send them from my iPhone. Sorry about that, I swear I am college educated, sigh…


That was very sweet of you to give it to her. The joy you will get to see that baby in her arms will be your reward.


Hi all, I am new here.I think you are doing a very sweet thing for this lady.


This is such a lovely thing to do. Your baby is adorable and since he’s a gift from the heart he’s even more special.
By the way…I love your wall!


That is so much fun seeing new manas excitement

What a wonderful gift! :heart:

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