My Laila custom

I didn’t get too many good pics of her in natural light as I finished her late Friday night and mailed her early Saturday morning. A learning curve for me, but I decided I’m probably never rooting with adult mohair again - at least on a newborn. I’m way too used to Alpaca, and I feel even if I get 2 hairs per hole, it looks pluggy as it’s so much thicker. No hate on anyone who loves it, it’s just not my bag. :expressionless:




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She’s darling :two_hearts:

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She is so beautiful!!

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Super cute anyway though

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Great job!

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Her eyes are so pretty :star_struck:

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She looks beautiful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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She is so Sweet!!!

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She is so beautiful!

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She’s beautiful. Lovely eyelid coloring. I’ve always loved the Laila kit.

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She is absolutely gorgeous! Look at those beautiful little feet :heart_eyes:

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So beautiful! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you everyone! Her sculpt is one of my absolute favorite of the Realborns!

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Darling baby :heart_eyes:

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