My first stripper. Kate

Well I’ve really done it lol. I wanted Her to be a bald blotchy infant and now she’s an orange/green boy. :rofl: I tried to get a blonde color for her hair but it turned out to be greenish orange. Then I added a bit of black and now it’s just really ugly. I blotched and blushed her much more than I’m comfortable with and pretty much hate it lol. A Friday evening laugh


I think he’s adorable- but definitely looks like a he for now - what about trying a burnt umber wash to try and tone down the blue- green that u don’t like - even on the hair - then go back and do more hair on top of that- I d try anything before stripping :weary:- I love the lip color!!


I don’t want to strip it lol Thank you for the encouragement! I’m going to try and get the burnt umber was done right now :slight_smile:

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I don’t know if this is any help… I don’t work with vinyl dolls (I just like them). I do work on resin dolls. One thing I have done when painting hair, esp facial hair on very small man dolls, is I use 3 different colors, one darker and one lighter than the main color, it gives the ‘hairs’ depth. Mixing paints is tough, I learned a few tricks from some youtube videos that explained how to use the color wheel to manipulate the colors to do what you want. Again, I don’t know if that’s any help since I only work on resin dolls.


TY Molly!! She’s ending up being the one that has the most attention :slight_smile:

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